Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The argument for learning to write code - for a non-tech exec.

I experienced an interesting coincidence a few weeks back between an visit to General Assembly in NYC to attend an orientation session on a back-end computer coding class, and an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal “It’s time to crack the code” about the rush by many to learn computer coding.
I have a strong professional interest in the fast growing tech start-up scene in NYC’s “Silicon Alley” as one of the most vibrant business sectors around today. I’ve been attending NYC Meet-ups such as Matt Turck's Hard Wired and the monster NY Tech Meet-up and hearing much about the transformational impact of technology on business and our lives in general.
Ruby computer code example.
While I have been involved on the business and strategic end of digital marketing and web development for many years, I must admit that I have never written a single line of programming code.
So why should I care about programming languages that build mobile apps or websites? What’s big deal about Ruby and Ruby on Rails? What difference does it make if I take a waterfall / linear versus agile development approach?
Not to be confused with slippers of the same name.

It turns out that I’ve been missing a lot after I started looking into the benefits of be conversant in computer coding, at least in terms of better being able to discuss what’s possible with my development team partners.
I like the fact that I used to work in a Lumber Yard in high school and did contracting work in college. I know my way around a hardware store and even surprise the guys at Home Depot when discussing plywood grades. 
Sure hope there was nothing structural in that wall!
This knowledge was invaluable when I hired a contractor and remodeled my NYC apartment a couple of years ago. We could discuss what was possible – from installing a pocket door to the electrical amps and equipment required to rewire my apartment to support a bunch of new appliances and kitchen ventilation.  

General Assembly did a great job of outlining the back end web development course benefits. Even without tech / web developer career aspirations, I got the sense from their instructors that I will be able to work on e commerce and digital marketing on a whole different level by simply learning the basics of the languages and processes used to build these apps and websites. Taking class in person maybe be a better option than using online learning exclusively with the likes of lynda.com - as I will be able to collaborate in person with tech savvy innovators.

In an organizational setting this broader skill-set will certainly improve collaboration across the divide that has historically existed between marketing, sales, customer service and IT. Good leaders "do by doing" and as a result can run more purposeful meetings.The outcome will be a faster and better way to get applications / websites built, tested and optimized. 
And finally I think it will enhance my “intellectual flexibility” – a key hiring attribute sought by Google - according to their CEO Eric Schmidt featured recently on CBS Morning News interview.
None of us know what the future of technology holds. But I am sure that I will be much better equipped as a business person by having these development language skills and development process knowledge. It will allow me to have more intelligent conversations about technology, especially with millennial generation tech entrepreneurs.